Bad news for me... I am seriously obsessed with Girl Talk (an extremely talented musician who makes mashup style remixes). I first discovered Girl Talk at Lollapalooza when I was in Chicago over the summer. I fell in love. The man responsible for this amazing musical performance is Gregg Gillis. It blows my mind how he can take a mix of over a dozen songs and mash them together to make one, new, almost better than the originals, type of music. Well lucky for me Girl Talk is on tour right now with Grand Buffet and Hearts of Darkness. This means that Girl Talk will be coming to Austin this Monday to play a FREE show on a first come first serve basis at Emo's off of 6th and Red River. Weeeeeeell it just so happens to show is supposedly ALREADY COMPLETELY SOLD OUT! I tried checking on every "ticket-selling" website to find a way to attend the show, but of course every ticket is going for $80.00 at the least. I know I know...I already got to see him once this year, let's not get greedy...but c'mon...this Pittsburgh native comes all the way down to my town and I can't even go enjoy it...SUCH a bummer. Talk about starting the week of bad...yikes.
Good way to treat an obsession.
Oh girl! You know I saw Girl Talk this weekend in Houston for free.
I wrote about it too (http://tinyurl.com/6qzsof). He was so, so good!
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