

According to Banksy, art speaks way louder than words. I came across this website after seeing it posted on a friend's interests lists on Facebook. Little did I know that this is what I would find, much the less would I end up enjoying it so much or be fascinated so dearly by the artist. The following pictures are a few of my favorite's from the website. I love the artist's unique style, I would definitely rather see his work on the side of a building as opposed to graffiti vandalism...wouldn't you? Banksy has an interesting way of getting his point across through his art. Personally, I feel that it may be more effective than a lot of the approaches people are choosing to take these days...especially on issues such as war, corrupt media, cleaning up New Orleans, and the hurricane relief. One thing's for sure, Banksy has a great way of reinventing old art and changing it into something that our society may understand a little bit more these days...I highly suggest you check it out. --> http://www.banksy.co.uk/

1 comment:

Terri said...

Nice article. I will check Banksy out on his website.