
Too Many Plane Crashes...

Alert Alert! Blink 182 drummer and reality tv show "Meet the Barkers" star Travis Barker and DJ AM Adam Goldstein were involved in a tragic plane crash this past Friday in South Carolina. Barker and Goldstein were two of the six passengers who were aboard the plane that crashed upon takeoff at the Columbia Metropolitain Airport. Unfortunately Barker and Goldstein were the only survivors, the other four passengers, which included the pilot, co-pilot, security gaurd, and Barker's assistant, were all pronounced dead. Barker and Goldstein have been held at a burn facility under critical condition but are expected to make a full recovery. This accident has really caught everyone off gaurd. It feels like a plane crash has made the headlines a little too often lately...

1 comment:

Terri said...

Wow! That is awful. I am sorry for the crew but glad Travis made it through!