
Ain't nothing but pirate talk

So I've decided everything sounds better if you say it like a pirate. I don't know for sure what made me think pirate talk was so cool but it is. I use it very often. For example, when someone asks me something obvious I reply with a "yarr" like yes but in pirate, you understand? You can use pirate talk anywhere and for all occasions. I like to think of it as a way to switch things up, regular talk just gets so boring, am I right? Here are some more examples of pirate talk that you can use yourself:

Narr: No
Nevarr: Never
Darr: Duh
Ar Narr: Oh no
Ar Yarr: Oh yea

Harrharr: Haha
Suparr: Super
Forevarr: Forever
Hilarr: Hilarious

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