FINALLY! I loved it. I love her. There was actually a point where I teared up, when Britney started getting emotional about having no control of her own life and she said "I'm sad..." what a tear jerker. I've watched the documentary three times already. I know I'm probably really pathetic but I thought they did a great job, or she did a great job at getting her point across, or at least her side of what's been happening in her crazy life the past year. I just wish they would have went more in depth on certain issues. For example, why she acted the way she did, who was she influenced by or taken advantage of by, or more importantly what drugs was she on because no one just up and shaves their head like I right?
Mary-Kate preggers?
Word on the street is that Miss MK Olsen has a bun in the oven. According to E! News since tiny framed Mary-Kate has pushed past 100 lbs. it must mean nothing else but that she is pregnant with boyfriend Nate Lowman's baby. Are these people serious? Talk about pressure. The girl finally gets to a healthy weight and everyone starts saying she's pregnant. But if it's true, I don't think that's such a bad thing. With all of the other celebs having babies recently, I wouldn't mind seeing MK have a baby. Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
Celebs gathering for the holidays

The Tom and Katie duo were nice enough to let the Beckham family spend Thanksgiving with them this year. According to Us Weekly Magazine the two families were spotted in NYC Thursday celebrating Thanksgiving. Supposedly these two mega-families are big time pals. The families were spotted leaving the Big Apple Circus, then on a tour through Central Park, followed by a horse and carriage ride through the city. Sounds like an eventful Thanksgiving Day!
Brooke Burke wins!

I always liked Brooke Burke the best! The super fit mommy took the win on Tuesday night as the third woman to win "Dancing With the Stars." From the very start Burke was a crowd favorite, and most of the time had the judges on her side every step of the way. Even more exciting is that Burke got a perfect score on her final dance. Talk about going out on a good note. I will always remember Burke from "Wild On" on E!. I loved her then and I love her now, I'm really happy that she won. Congrats Brooke!
Heidi and Spencer wed

Well it's about time after all of the talk, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt finally eloped in Mexico. Luckily for everyone who cares about these two kiddos, "The Hills" camera crew was present in Mexico, hoping to catch the couple on their vacation but lucked out with the exclusive wedding footage instead. The wedding and honeymoon is said to be an upcomming episode on "The Hills." Supposedly Heidi and Spencer upset everyone with this secret wedding due to the fact that they kept it from both of their families until they broke (more like Us Weekly broke) the news to the world when they got back. Looks like the two have done it again and excluded anyone who cares about them out of their lives. Heidi admits to have cried through the enitre ceremony in Mexico. Believe me, I'd be crying my eyes out too if I had just married Spencer Pratt. Goodluck guys.
Trends: Photoshop much?
5. Everyone can admit that devil red eyes don't flatter anyone, but some picture uploading lovers have become obsessed with testing out their best photoshop skills.
Trends: Purple is in
4. Although I am a firm believer that black will be around forever, at least in my closet, purple isn't far behind this year. Purple has been taking over fashions in every season of 2008 and it is finishing strong with winter.
Trends: Musicians come together
3. Musicians realize there could be more power in numbers. "The more the merrier" right? This past year it seems like a lot of artists have decided to collaborate their musical talents and pair up for songs, performances and albums. Artists such as Justin Timberlake and Lil' Wayne have caught onto the idea, and it's working for them, both have put out multiple number 1 hits this year.
Trends: Celebrity babies
2. Babies have been popping out left and right in Hollywood. Nicole Richie and Joel Madden, Jessica Alba and Cash Warren, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz, and of course how can we forget Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, are just a few of the stars that welcomed newborns this year.
Trends: Booties
1. Along with a variety of scarves, this year's chilly season has also welcomed another one of my favorite fashion trends, little "booties" (sometimes called "shooties") will be taking the place of traditional winter closed toe heels this season.
Texas Weather
So it is warm again today. Thursday it was freezing. Friday it was more than freezing. Saturday it was sprinkling. Sunday it was humid. Monday it is warm and windy. What is this? Where is our long lost season fall? Will winter even join us Texans this year? It doesn't even feel like Thanksgiving, let alone the end of November. Come on chilly air, everyone knows you can dress so much cuter for cold weather.
Today I went to court for a traffic violation. Believe me I am innocent. It was packed, every room in the building seemed crowded. Are there really this many tickets given? What happened to protecting us? Has making us pay tickets and ruining our lives become more important? I tried to listen in on everyone that went before me and their situation and to me it looks like there are definitely some power trip issues in the force. I hope I never have to start my day off like this again.
Twilight at Midnight

So I was one of those people who got a ticket to see the much anticipated movie of the year "Twlight" for the midnight showing last Thursday night. With the movie showing at three different times to chose from, 12:01, 12:02 and 12:03, I decided to keep it neutral and go with the 12:02 show time. Bottom line, the movie was great. I only read the first book, "Twilight," the rest of the people I went with have read all four of the books already. They really did a great job of portraying the characters and the setting exactly how I had imagined it from reading the book. Everything down to Bella's truck was exactly how I had imagined. The only thing that I didn't like about my movie experience was all of the little girls that filled the theater. They laughed constantly. Every part, serious parts in the book that were not meant to be funny, they giggled. A part of me wished that I had enjoyed my movie experience by myself at home. But none the less I loved it. My favorite scene was the family vampire baseball game. Oh yeah, and the sound track to the movie is awesome.
Christian the lion

Nothing has ever made me want a lion more. After watching this video I'm pretty sure that I'm more of the "lion type" as opposed to a cat or dog person. This is a true story of two men, John Rendall and Ace Bourke, who adopted a lion in the 60's. They raised the lion in their apartment in London, although they would take him on walks everyday, Christian (the lion) became too big to live in their flat. Once Christian was a year old and 150 pounds it was suggested to them that they take Christian to a conservation in Kenya. So the men let go of their baby which they raised and decided to do what was best for little Christian. They took him to Africa and reintroduced him to the wild where he could learn to live like a normal lion with a pride. Christian was let into Kora National Reserve where he eventually became the head leader of his pride believe it or not. After learning about how successful Christians transition was, the two men decided that they wanted to travel to Kenya to visit their long lost lion son, but were told that Christian would most definitely not remember them. Despite the fact that Christian is now a wild lion, the two men traveled anyway in hope that a miracle would occur and Christian had not forgotten the two men who raised him. The two m

Shiba Inu Puppy Cam

I overheard some fellow classmates talking about this puppy website earlier this week. So I decided to check it out for myself when I got home. Supposedly the owners of these six week old Shiba Inu puppies decided to set up a live web cam for their pups so that they could watch them while they were at work. The pups are broadcast on a live stream on the USTREAM.TV website. Little did they know that these puppies would become an Internet phenomenon. I'm currently watching the puppies right now and there are 21,502 viewers just right now on a Wednesday afternoon. The site has a list of locations all around the globe that people are watching the puppies from. The couple has even received letters and emails from viewers telling them how the puppies have changed their lives. Viewers that are terminally ill in hospitals credit the pups for making their day and giving them happiness. Who can resist these little pups, three boys and three girls, they sleep, eat, play, fight, even the noises they make are cute. Click here to check out these adorable puppies for yourself.
Missy Higgins

Australian singer-songwriter Missy Higgins has one of those voices you can't help but fall in love with.
The 24-year-old's newest album "On a Clear Night" has remained on repeat on my iTune's playlist for the past week.
My favorite song on the album is "Where I Stood" a song that carries a more personal meaning to me. This is actually the first song I heard by Higgins when I caught it on the late night program Nocturnal State on VH1. This song is what made me gain interest in this previously unheard of artist.
The lyrics in "Where I Stood" seem to flow perfectly together, each line rhyming, each line reaching out to anyone who would listen. Here is chorus from the song:
Cos I don't know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
I even got my roommates addicted to the album. Each time I walked into one of their rooms this weekend they were playing her music. I guess Higgins is just one of those artists who makes such an impact on their audience even with just one song that the listeners have no other choice but to become addicted to their music for the time being.
Registration...'s that time again. Scheduling meeting times for advising meetings, making a dream schedule, seeing your dream schedule filled up by first pick students, stressing over making three different alternative schedules, hoping you won't be tied up during registration time, realizing that you do have prior obligations during your scheduled registration time, realizing it is still not your time to get all of the classes you want...maybe senior year it gets easier.
Zach and Miri
Wow so I saw Zach and Miri, the same movie as Zach and Miri
Make a Porno, after they were forced to change the title of the movie. Well, I should have known then that the movie would be like this. And by this I mean...a real PORNO! Sheesh...this movie is only rated "R"...are you kidding? Yes, the movie is hilarious. Yes, the cast is great and the story line is good, yes yes. But there are full female and male frontals people! Not to mention the multiple full on sex scenes throughout the movie! It was pretty hard to watch! Especially considering I went with a group of people whom I was not exactly too close with if you know what I mean. Talk about awkward! "Wanna get away??" No wonder Utah banned the film, I can completely understand. Eeeeek!


I finally saw the movie Changeling, starring the highly adored Angelina Jolie. The movie is about the true story of Chrstine Collins losing her son, Walter Collins, during the late 1920's with no help from the corrupt LAPD during this time. Personally, I loved the movie. Despite the fact that the movie tends to drag and be a tad bit slow at certain points, the story of this woman and her determination to find her son is truly inspiring, you can't help but become enhanced in the story until the end. And needless to say, Angelina does a magnificent job as the roll of Christine Collins. I mean, let's be honest Angelina could stand on screen as a mute and we'd all run off to see it right? It's relieving to see a movie based on a true story "truly" depict the story in an honest way-- without adding all of those "to make a great movie" details and all. I don't want to give any of it away, but I definitely recommend going out and seeing it.
Facebookers obsessed with photo editing

Lately I've noticed some of my fellow Facebook friends guilty of over using their killer photo shop skills on their posted pictures. Okay, I get it, we all like to make ourselves look a little brighter and a little tanner, but come on some of these pictures are so over done that I can't even make out who is in the picture in the first place. One of the popular sites that "Facebookers" are using is a site called "Picnik" a site where anyone can upload their photos for free and edit them, crop them, brighten them, darken them, basically tweak just about anything about them. But I'm a little worried...some of these "photogs" seem a little obsessed with their photo shopping this even healthy? Come on people, no one wants to see a picture where the people look orange and their faces are so blurred out that you have to squint to see the slightest resemblance to a human figure...GET REAL.

Here kitty kitty...I have a bad history with cats. For some reason this furry little species and I never seem to get along. My family has had cats all of my life. And all of my life this tiny four legged animal and I have butted heads. It all started when I was still a baby sleeping in my crib and our "nice" family cat jumped on in and scratched my cornea with his whiskers. It was from that day on that I have held a grudge towards the felines. No matter what I do I end up getting scratched, hissed at, or sprayed on. Yes, sprayed on. I was sleeping in bed back at my home in Grapevine when our family cat "Mo" moseyed on in and when I refused to wake up to feed him he turned around backwards on standing on my chest and sprayed a funky...repuslive...stick with you for the day, horrid smelling juice right into my face. Well after many bad experiences I have been able to live cat free for the past two years at my apartment here in Austin. Until this weekend. One of my friends from back home came in town and stayed with us for the weekend. She didn't travel alone. She brought "Reggie" along, her gray striped kitty cat. Yeah yeah so he was cool for the first day but every time I walked passed my couch, passed a closet, passed a corner, I got a furry little paw of claws in the leg. As of right now I have one, two, three, five different scratch marks on my body. I'm definitely sticking to my theory that dogs are man's best friend. It's as simple as that, cats are definitely my enemy.
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