One question. Why doesn't St. Edward's offer a dead week to it's students before finals. Come on now everyone has a dead week...or at least a few dead days, all we get is a super packed week of projects and papers due before our finals. Does this give us any time to have a break and study for our tests? NO! It doesn't. All it does is make us even more stressed out because right after we turn in all of our end of the year projects and papers we have to turn right around and study for our finals. Totally unfair if you ask me.
Ain't nothing but pirate talk
So I've decided everything sounds better if you say it like a pirate. I don't know for sure what made me think pirate talk was so cool but it is. I use it very often. For example, when someone asks me something obvious I reply with a "yarr" like yes but in pirate, you understand? You can use pirate talk anywhere and for all occasions. I like to think of it as a way to switch things up, regular talk just gets so boring, am I right? Here are some more examples of pirate talk that you can use yourself:

Narr: No
Nevarr: Never
Darr: Duh
Ar Narr: Oh no
Ar Yarr: Oh yea
Harrharr: Haha
Suparr: Super
Forevarr: Forever
Hilarr: Hilarious

Narr: No
Nevarr: Never
Darr: Duh
Ar Narr: Oh no
Ar Yarr: Oh yea
Harrharr: Haha
Suparr: Super
Forevarr: Forever
Hilarr: Hilarious
I really really want a puppy. I am such a dog person, I've grown up with dogs all of my life. I have a Great Dane back home and ever since I've lived away in Austin for school I have been so lonely without my pup. His name is Titan and believe me he definitely lives up to his title. If I had a dog I would take him on walks everyday. He could even sleep in my bed. I knew if I bought a dog my parents would probably cut me off financially though so that's the only thing holding me back...I'm watching a dog roam around right now outside my window. There is no owner in site. He has a red collar on and he's midsize but pretty muscular, tan colored, pointy ears. Maybe I should steal him. He can be my dog and I can tell my parents that he found me and wouldn't leave...that's pretty much what's happening, he's not leaving the grassy area outside of my window. He obviously wants me to become his new owner.
Hair blowing uncontrolably, scarf getting tossed and twisted arouns my shoulders, papers flying. How frustrating. Windy weather has got to be the most annoying weather there is. I mean let's face it it's even hard to drive in windy weather. My jeep wrangler blows all over the road. I hate windy weather. Go away windy weather, go away.
Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

This past Wednesday the 2008 annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show aired on CBS. To be honest I didn't really like this year's event at all. Year's past I have been in love with the show. I love the sexy outfits that grace the runway, as well as the killer music that they always have going along with the show. But this year was different. First of all, the runway was running left to right, horizontal, sideways, instead of front to back or up and down. That along left a bad taste in my mouth. It made it almost impossible to see the outfits well, not to mention the cameras this year were all over the place focusing more on the faces in the audience then the hot bodies of Adriana Lima and Heidi Klum. I mean wings weren't even a big deal this year. I think a few of the girls sported giant bows on their backs once or twice but the show definitely didn't have the same effect as it does when the famous angel wings come out on the backs of the models. And the music, gosh the music wasn't good either. Usher opened the show and then sang a song or two towards the end. I'm sorry Usher I usually love ya, but let's be honest you just didn't sound good, more like a little shakey, and maybe the hot models were to blame, they'd probably make me nervous too. In between Usher were some other people who obvisouly didn't make an impact on me considering I can't even remember who they were now. I'll admit that the show got better as it went on...I'll give them that, but come on I wait all year for this and this is what I got. Hopefully next year will be better.
Lindsay Lohan shot

NEWS FLASH! There's a new drink out there, all of the bars are serving it. It's known as the Lindsay Lohan. What's it consist of you ask? None other than a traditional "red headed slut" with a splash of coke. And yes, I do mean coca cola. Clever.
P.s. nice picture of the gal huh? pretty flattering. yea I don't really like the chick as you can tell.
"Smile with your eyes"

Victoria Beckham is featured in this month's issue of Harper's Bazaar. In it Posh talks about her fear of smiling and how she is slowing becomming used to smiling...well smirking as she refers to a new smirk she has perfected for the cameras. She goes on to say how learning to "smile with her eyes" has helped her with the issue. You know, I've heard of this before, smiling with your eyes and all. It's true it really helps, try it, look in the mirror at yourself and do not smile. Think about smiling through your eyes instead and without smiling you can almost appear to be smiling all saying it with your eyes. What a good idea right? So next time you flash someone a big grin and don't receive one in return, just imagine that they could really be smiling with their eyes instead.
I hate cockroaches...

I'm not going to roommates and I probably have the cleanest apartment in our entire complex. Even the apartment managers have commented on how clean we keep our pad. So can someone explain to me why we tend to attract the worst bugs known to man kind....COCKROACHES! I thought these bugs liked trash and left out food and dirty boys or something like that...why are they popping up in my super spotless bathroom. Come spiders, come flies, come ants. I'll take ANYTHING over nasty cockroaches with their awkward flying bodies and their light brown wings and their long antennas. YUCK! I can't even sit here and write about them without getting the creeps. I'm so paranoid that these things are crawling around close to me bed when I sleep that I have even developed some time of insomnia. I think I'm going to go buy a giant lizard to live in my apartment so it can eat all of these unwanted bugs.
Circus tickets

What a great lovey dovey honey bought me tickets to Britney Spear's tour "Circus." He sure knows the way to my heart. I can't wait...and that sucks because the concert isn't until the end of March....consider it an early birthday present he said, considering my birthday isn't until March either. Either way, he did good and I am super stoked. Promise this is my last post about Britney...figured I might as well end on a good note!
Why does winter make me tired?
There's something about me knowing it is cold outside that keeps me from getting out of my bed the entire day. What is it about cold weather that makes me want to become a hermit in my own home...or more my own bed. A warm bed just sounds so much better than going out and being productive.
Paris picks her new bff

Finally. It seems like this TV show went on forever. But last Tuesday Paris finally decided who would become her new "BFF." And the choice was.....Brittany Flickinger. After 16 girls and two guys came and left Paris' California mansion, Brittany remained the last man standing. Paris served her famous lines "ttyn" to everyone else (with the exception of a few she hoped to keep in touch with) besides Brittany and they have already been spotted out and about in LA. Wonder if this friendship will last considering Flickinger has been up front about her hopes to become a famous rock star...we'll just have to wait it out I guess.
Leighton Meester

After reading the article about Britney Spears in the December 2008 issue of Rolling Stone I came across an article about Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester. First of all, the picture in the magazine of Meester is awesome, it's a centerfold spread and she looks amazing. Meester plays a backstabbing gossip queen that lives on the upper east side better known as Blair Waldorf, and even though she is a...well backstabbing gossip queen that lives on the upper east side, we all still love her to death. In the mag Meester talks about her love for New York stating "you're never along, but you're always on your own." What a good line huh?
Trend: Scarves

One of my favorite trends this season are scarves. I have acquired quite the collection over the past two months or so. I can't get enough of them, I wear them with everything I own. I think scarves are the perfect way to dress up a casual outfit, or at least make a simple v-neck tee look cute and stylish. There are also a few different ways to wear them so you don't have to look like everyone else wearing a scarf. Definitely a must have suggestion for this winter.
Rolling Stone

I went out and bougt the new issue of Rolling Stone Magazine last night. I love the magazine and buy it from time to time when one of my favorite celebs is gracing the cover. This time I bought it for one specific one and only Britney Spears was featured on the front. This is Britney's fourth time to be on the cover and she just looks great, you know? The magazine did an entire story about her on the inside, along a spread of black and white photos of the super star. The more I watch and read about her life the more I feel so bad for her. The article in Rolling Stone was so depressing, and although it talks about how she's making a great comback and all the story behind her life is pretty sad. If you're a Britney fan I suggest you go out and pick up the magazine, it's worth it!
Outlet Malls
My roommate went to the outlet mall in San Marcos yesterday. She had herself a nice little shopping spree at Victoria's Secret. She came back with an entire outfit all under $20.00. Speechless. Victoria's Secret is one of my favorite stores, I can't help but spend at lea
st $50.00 everytime I go in there. How did she come back with a variety of cute under garments while still managing to keep on the college student budget? Two words, outlet mall. Supposedly everything in the store is at least 75% off including all of there fragrances and skin and hair products. This is insanity. I figured that most of the stuff had to be leftovers from years past, or really big sizes like usual, or pretty much just the ugly stuff that other stores couldn't get to selll, but no. She said that they have almost all of the same stuff as the regular Victoria's Secret stores. Sounds like heaven to me. have to wait in line outside to get in because they limit the number of customers in the store at a time so everyone can enjoy their shopping experience without a crowd of people trying to pick the same stuff you are.

Look how sweet....
Click here!
This is a video of an dog saving another dog that was hit on the highway...probably the sweetest thing I have ever seen...breaks your heart.
This is a video of an dog saving another dog that was hit on the highway...probably the sweetest thing I have ever seen...breaks your heart.
Christmas shopping.

One of my favorite things about Christmas time besides all of the good movies running on TV, all of the over decorated houses with beautiful lights, and of course the great food, is presents! Of course I love receiving presents...but I love going out and doing some quality Christmas shopping for other people. I truly love buying presents for other people, it makes me really happy. I'm going to go Christmas shopping later today and I can hardly wait...too buy buying presents means you have to have money which in my case I'm running pretty low on right now. Well a small gift is still a gift right, it's the thought that counts.
I was thinking about all of the new clothes I have added to my closet over this semester. A lot of which consist of things I constantly wear over and over like a few different scarves and baggy cardigans that I can wear with almost anything in my closet. This made me wonder...what did I wear last year? You know, like...if I'm constantly wearing this stuff over and over what was I wearing with my fitted t-shirts last year if it wasn't one of these scarves...what was I wearing over all of my tank tops if it wasn't my black loose cardigan cover up? Interesting to think about how dependent you become on new fashions that I never would have thought of last year.
Festival of lights not so light

This year St. Edward's plans to take a different approach to their annual festival of lights. Every year before the entire main building along with all of the trees have been fully decked out in Christmas lights. Lights hung from all of the trees around the back side of main buliding in front of the carridge house and the fountain. Trees were lit up everywhere you could look, in front of all of the dorms, around the school seal, along South Congress, lights lights and more lights. Well not this year. St. Ed's has decided to downsize in order to save energy, as well as save on the cost of labor. This year the festival of lights will only include lighting the lights along the front of the main building. This kind of makes me sad...what is a festival of lights with no it even worth it to hold a festival of lights for a few strands hung across the front of one building. What is Christmas coming to?
Britney's new album dropped today, finally...I've been waiting. The album, she titled "Circus," is awesome. There are 15 tracks... all of which I can listen to over and over. So far my favorite song on the album is "Circus" but I pretty much like them all.
1. Womanizer
2. Circus
3. Out From Under
4. Kill The Lights
5. Shattered Glass
6. If You Seek Amy
7. Unusual You
8. Blur
9. Mmm Papi
10. Mannequin
11. Lace and Leather
12. My Baby
13. Radar
14. Rock Me In
15. Phonography
1. Womanizer
2. Circus
3. Out From Under
4. Kill The Lights
5. Shattered Glass
6. If You Seek Amy
7. Unusual You
8. Blur
9. Mmm Papi
10. Mannequin
11. Lace and Leather
12. My Baby
13. Radar
14. Rock Me In
15. Phonography
Happy Birthday Britney!
ICE! at Gaylord Texan
This is me going down the giant slide made of ice...actually everything in this room was made of ice at the Ice Show at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, Texas.
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