It's safe to say I've been slacking on my blogging. I'm not going to try and make excuses but I will say that I have been working as a slave for Austin City Limits since this past Thursday. Thursday night around 5:30 PM it began. I was hired to work as a bartender for the ACL's VIP pre party benefit. I'd have to say it wasn't too shabby serving complimentary beverages to guests while getting a front row view of the Blues Travelor's performance but little did I know that this night would be the beginning of the longest weekend of my life. The rest of the weekend is now a complete and utter blur to me. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I arrived at Zilker Park at 10:00 AM. Each day I bartended at bar #4, not only was this bar located next to the main AT&T stage, but it remained one of the busiest bars in the park the entire weekend. Each night, after cleaning all of the bar mess, I left the park around 11:00 PM. Yes, that means that I worked 13 hour+ days the entire weekend. Not to mention, the whole weekend consisted of working conditions such as, the constant inhaling of dirt and dust from the great Zilker Park, dealing with drunk hippies all day, and worst of all serving customer after customer who were getting to enjoy the coolest music festival of the year while I was stuck behind a muddy bar. Sunday night when I got back to my aparement I collapsed. I had offically lost my voice. I was pretty sure I had over a pound of dirt and dust gathered in my lungs. And I was most definietly sleep deprived and exhausted from my super long weekend. I will tell you that I am just now gaining back control of my life. This weekend officially forced me to be left behind in a giant cloud of dust (literally) as life as I knew it carried on without me. But good news for all, it is late Tuesday night and I finally feel that I am back on track. See you out there all.
Einstein Bros: Bagels
Here we go again. I'm the type of person that tends to get overly passionate about certain food products. This is how it works, that certain food becomes the only thing I eat (yes all three meals including snack time) until I am so sick of it that I'm lucky if I'll be able to eat it again for the rest of my life. I know, pretty lame. For instance, some of the food I've been hooked on in the past include everything from the time I discovered how great string cheese was, to when I suddenly had immense love for Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits, or worst of all, when I discovered Lean Cuisine's Panini meals. During my panini fad, my entire freezer stayed stocked full with the tiny white boxes for about two months. During those two months, breakfast, lunch, and dinner all consisted of a panini from a box. And then it happens, I suddenly realize I no longer have a love for the food. The gracious panini's that kept me full for two whole mo
nths I instantly want to clear from my fridge and never hear from again. Well this time it's bagels that have caught my eye. Not just any bagels though, Einstein Bros' bagels. Not only have I become entranced by all of the 18 delicious flavors of bagels that the Einstein Bros offer, I have also found an unconditional love for the many different Cream Cheese Schmears I can chose to top my bagel of choice with. Yesterday, I made a stop by the busy store to pick up my weekly bagels. Lucky for me and my current addiction, the bros are currently offering a "12 bagels with 2 schmears for only $12.00" deal. So I stood in line and picked all 12 of my bagels out and my two schmears (I chose plain and onion and chive of course). I even waited an hour for them to make my onion bagels because they were out at the moment and I couldn't bare to let myself leave without taking my favorite kind home with me. So for the time being, bagels it is. My center-less, carbohydrate-packed buddies have done me good so far. Well it is only the second week of our's only a matter of time before they too will have to hit the road!

Before I made my trip out to "no more power land" I was able to watch a great movie which I have heard a lot about but somehow it is always already checked out at any of my local Blockbusters. Amelie is a French film about a young girl, named Amelie, whose life is changed after she finds a hidden box of treasures in her bathroom wall. After returning the box to its owner Amelie realizes that she has a calling to help change the lives of others for the better, all while battling with her own messy life. The movie is in sub-titles but that in no way hindered it. The movie has been very successful it won best film at the European Film Awards, four awards at the Cesar Awards, two BAFTA Awards, and was nominated for five Academy Awards. I found the movie to be extremely funny and clever. It is definitely a feel good movie. I reccommend renting this one and switching it up a bit from everyone's typical box office gold rental choices.
MGMT Obsession
I have to admit I have been pretty much obsessed with MGMT's album recently. I have been a big fan of the duo ever since I heard their song "Time to pretend" in the movie 21. Alth
ough after checking out their entire album last week I have not been able to press stop on my iTunes or iPod. I even jammed the funky futuristic electric pop music the entire way to Houston. The music gives off a real happy, lively vibe. The type of music that when you hear it you can't help but to dance a little, even if that just means a slight foot tapping or head bobbing. Either way it gets you moving and feeling good. I find myself singing two of my favorite songs by the group, "Electric Feel" and "Weekend Wars"-due to their addictive song lyrics that are constantly playing in my head. Good news, the band will be performing at ACL this coming weekendm, great timing guys.
You can check them out here for yourself MGMT

You can check them out here for yourself MGMT
Too Many Plane Crashes...
Alert Alert! Blink 182 drummer and reality tv show "Meet the Barkers"
star Travis Barker and DJ AM Adam Goldstein were involved in a tragic plane crash this past Friday in South Carolina. Barker and Goldstein were two of the six passengers who were aboard the plane that crashed upon takeoff at the Columbia Metropolitain Airport. Unfortunately Barker and Goldstein were the only survivors, the other four passengers, which included the pilot, co-pilot, security gaurd, and Barker's assistant, were all pronounced dead. Barker and Goldstein have been held at a burn facility under critical condition but are expected to make a full recovery. This accident has really caught everyone off gaurd. It feels like a plane crash has made the headlines a little too often lately...

Hey there to anyone who reads this... I have been in Houston since Thursday helping those who were affected by hurricane Ike. Unfortunately everywhere I stayed in H-town still didn't have electricity back from the storm, therefore I have not been able to update my blog for a few days. Lucky for you, I was smart enough to keep track of a few things I wanted to post about so these next few posts are what I have been waiting to put up until I got back to Austin this morning where there is air conditioning and internet access.
Only in Grapevine
It's that time of year home town Grapevine, Texas celebrated their 22nd annual Grape Fest this past weekend. The celebration takes place all along Main Street in downtown historic Grapevine. There is plenty of entertainment including live music, plenty of shopping, great food, carnival rides, and of course the sampling of award-winning Texas wines. Grape Fest is the largest wine festival in the Southwest. Hurricane Ike didn't stop this small town from getting down over the weekend. With the exception of a few light sprinkles of rain the weekend was a major success for everyone who participated. Unfortunately I was unable to make it this year but I've heard nothing but great things and I am happy to hear that my home town is holding it down!
Here's to the dreamers, the wanders, the lost.
I came across this today and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Thought I would share it. I know it's a bit long but I really suggest everyone take a few minutes to read it.
By columnist Penelope Trunk
Here is an open letter to all the parents, aunts and uncles who write to me asking for advice about the twenty something in their life who is an incorrigible underachiever:
Lighten up! No one should be labeled an underachiever in their twenties! The first thing you should ask yourself is whose standards are you using? This is not the same workplace that existed ten years ago. There are new rules, and you need to stop applying the old rules to someone who has no need for them.
The people who know exactly what they want to do when they are 22 are called, in the land of sociology, “fast starters.” And today that is only 12% of the workforce. In general, these people are conservative, taking paths their parents took, and do not ask a lot of questions. The majority of twenty somethings today move back home with their parents ,job hop every 18 months, and refuse to pay their dues.
And you know what? These are all good decisions. To you, these decisions might look like decisions that losers make, but the world is different. Do you know what a loser is today? A loser is someone who doesn’t take the time to get to know herself. A loser is someone who saw his parents earn a lot of money and not get happiness from it and still deludes himself that money will make him happy. A loser is someone who looks for fame or prestige. A loser is someone who lets someone else tell them what success looks like.
Today success is personal. It’s about using the years of emerging adulthood to figure out what works for you. This is time to experiment - try things and quit them and try other things. This is a time to have gaps in resumes, red in bank accounts, and a suitcase packed, ready to go at a moment’s notice. These are symptoms of someone who is learning a lot and growing a lot.
Personal growth looks a lot like being lost. Lost is okay. Who wouldn’t be with twenty years of schooling and no preparation for adult life? People grow more when they are lost then when they are on a straight path with a clear view of where they are going.
Don’t tell me that your kid is a bar tender and will never grow up. Bar tenders have some of the best social skills in the workforce, and social skills are what matters. Bar tenders are not underachievers. Also, did you ever stop to ask your bar-tender kid what he does during the day when he’s not pouring drinks? He’s probably doing something fun and cool and a little risky that you didn’t have the guts to try til you had a midlife crisis.
And don’t tell me about your kid who isn’t finishing college. No one said college has to happen right away. No one has research to show that if you do college right after high school you will be a happier person. But people do have research to show that if you take time to find yourself during your twenties then you will avoid a quarter life crisis. So maybe it’s okay that your niece is taking a year off of college to travel in Thailand. Or knit sweaters.
Stop judging the twenty somethings. Instead, look at yourself. Why is it so important for your twenty something to make choices that you like? In fact, the most successful people in today’s workplace are making choices that would have seemed absurd ten years ago. And things that are true today were not true ten years ago.
And have a heart. It’s not easy to be a twenty something today. These young people grew up with tons of structure, tons of adults watching over them, tons of accolades. It’s a hard adjustment to go into the adult world where there is none of this. The most successful transitions happen when the person making the change receives time to adjust, space to grow, and support for tough decisions.
Have some patience. Most people find what they want to do with their life by the time they are 30. Really. And they are already putting so much pressure on themselves to find a good life. They don’t need more pressure from you.
By columnist Penelope Trunk
Here is an open letter to all the parents, aunts and uncles who write to me asking for advice about the twenty something in their life who is an incorrigible underachiever:
Lighten up! No one should be labeled an underachiever in their twenties! The first thing you should ask yourself is whose standards are you using? This is not the same workplace that existed ten years ago. There are new rules, and you need to stop applying the old rules to someone who has no need for them.
The people who know exactly what they want to do when they are 22 are called, in the land of sociology, “fast starters.” And today that is only 12% of the workforce. In general, these people are conservative, taking paths their parents took, and do not ask a lot of questions. The majority of twenty somethings today move back home with their parents ,job hop every 18 months, and refuse to pay their dues.
And you know what? These are all good decisions. To you, these decisions might look like decisions that losers make, but the world is different. Do you know what a loser is today? A loser is someone who doesn’t take the time to get to know herself. A loser is someone who saw his parents earn a lot of money and not get happiness from it and still deludes himself that money will make him happy. A loser is someone who looks for fame or prestige. A loser is someone who lets someone else tell them what success looks like.
Today success is personal. It’s about using the years of emerging adulthood to figure out what works for you. This is time to experiment - try things and quit them and try other things. This is a time to have gaps in resumes, red in bank accounts, and a suitcase packed, ready to go at a moment’s notice. These are symptoms of someone who is learning a lot and growing a lot.
Personal growth looks a lot like being lost. Lost is okay. Who wouldn’t be with twenty years of schooling and no preparation for adult life? People grow more when they are lost then when they are on a straight path with a clear view of where they are going.
Don’t tell me that your kid is a bar tender and will never grow up. Bar tenders have some of the best social skills in the workforce, and social skills are what matters. Bar tenders are not underachievers. Also, did you ever stop to ask your bar-tender kid what he does during the day when he’s not pouring drinks? He’s probably doing something fun and cool and a little risky that you didn’t have the guts to try til you had a midlife crisis.
And don’t tell me about your kid who isn’t finishing college. No one said college has to happen right away. No one has research to show that if you do college right after high school you will be a happier person. But people do have research to show that if you take time to find yourself during your twenties then you will avoid a quarter life crisis. So maybe it’s okay that your niece is taking a year off of college to travel in Thailand. Or knit sweaters.
Stop judging the twenty somethings. Instead, look at yourself. Why is it so important for your twenty something to make choices that you like? In fact, the most successful people in today’s workplace are making choices that would have seemed absurd ten years ago. And things that are true today were not true ten years ago.
And have a heart. It’s not easy to be a twenty something today. These young people grew up with tons of structure, tons of adults watching over them, tons of accolades. It’s a hard adjustment to go into the adult world where there is none of this. The most successful transitions happen when the person making the change receives time to adjust, space to grow, and support for tough decisions.
Have some patience. Most people find what they want to do with their life by the time they are 30. Really. And they are already putting so much pressure on themselves to find a good life. They don’t need more pressure from you.
Cover Songs

Many new artists are taking a new approach to music. These days musicians are simply re-doing older songs of other artists. Most of them are trying out the new fad on songs from other genres, such as a slow acoustic artist re-doing a rap song. Some of my favorites are Jenny Owen Youngs and her cover of Nelly's "Hot In Here," or one of the newer artists to surface here in the United States, Beligian artist Milow and his cover of Justin

Style Week 08
Tonight Tribeza kicked off style week with a colorful premier party at the Domain's Neiman Marcus. Throughout the night the room flocked with fashionistas and socialites. I myself was lucky enough to get the chance to attend the event among some of Austin's top designers, models, and even the Mayor Will Wynn himself. Although the night w
as not only a tribute to Style Week and Tribeza's annual Fashion Show, it also celebrated the Mayor's birthday. Joe DiMaggio's and McCormick and Shmick's were just a few of the top restaurants who kept guests fed throughout the evening with their delectable hor'dourves, along with a trendy live DJ, two complimentary open bars, and cocktail servers flourishing with fruity vodka martinis and white wine, it's safe to say the night was nothing less of a great time for everyone who attended. The night was not without good deeds though, the entire evening benefited Candlelight Ranch, a non-profit organization for children. With guests dressed in top of the line designer names with drink in hand it's safe to say that this little gathering might just have been the most stylish event of the year.

Sunday Funday
This past Sunday I experienced Houston's newest social gathering known as Sunday Funday. The idea for Sunday Funday came from club, bar, and restaurant promotors. Throughout the day different hot spots around the Midtown area schedule drink specials at different
times all day long for people looking to end their weekend off right before the dreadful Monday. We started off our Sunday Funday at noon with brunch and bottomless mimosas at trendy restaraunt Ferrago's. Ferrago's hosts the first part of Sunday Funday and ends when they run out of mimosa's, typically around three o'clock. From there we walked across the street for margaritas with chips and salsa while watching the Cowboys game on flat screens in the bar area at Cyclone Anayas. At five o'clock we ended our extravaganza at Open City drinking their famous frozen mojito's. All in all the day was a success, and even more a great idea to get people out and socializing spending one last day of fun before everyone goes back to the grind for the week. A numerous amount of bars and clubs participate in this new idea and it has become a talk of the town among people of all ages.

Keep Austin Weird

On my way home from Houston this morning I heard something on the radio that shocked me. Austin's own Leslie Cochran, otherwise known as "homeless Leslie" actually used to be a college professor at the University of Texas. YES! Can you believe it? Leslie was also said to have been educated at the school as well. Supposedly back in the day good ol' Les lived the typical American dream, he was a University professor, had a wife and family and lived in a house out in Westlake. It wasn't until the death of his wife that Leslie chose to live the life he lives today, which mainly consists of dressing in women's clothing, hanging out at Bouldin Creek Coffeehouse, walking along 6th street, or even running for mayor. Why would Leslie chose this life you ask? Well when you think about it...the man has his own calendar's and refrigerator magnets, which he gets 15% of profit from...looks like the man is still doing pretty well for himself and his lifestyle is simply his marketing ploy! The man must promote himself right? Way to go Leslie!
Shiner's Saloon

This past Thursday night I went to dinner with my two roommates at a new place downtown called Shiner's Saloon. Shiner's has all of the ingredients for a fun time down town. With giant flat screens, a live dj, unique bar food, and plenty of other people down to party our night was very successful. Located off of 5th and South Congress, the bar/restaurant sits right next to an old favorite, The Marq. I wish this new spot lots of successful, it's a fresh new spot with great specials and a fun young crowd, something that Austin really needs right now. Everyone who works there is tons of fun and we will definitely be going back soon.
According to Banksy, art speaks way louder than words. I came across
this website after seeing it posted on a friend's interests lists on Facebook. Little did I know that this is what I would find, much the less would I end up enjoying it so much or be fascinated so dearly by the artist. The following pictures are a few of my favorite's from the website. I love the artist's unique style, I would definitely rather see his work on the side of a building as opposed to graffiti vandalism...wouldn't you? Banksy has an interesting way of getting his point
across through his art. Personally, I feel that it may be more effective than a lot of the approaches people are choosing to take these days...especially on issues such as war, corrupt media, cleaning up New Orleans, and the hurricane relief. One thing's for sure, Banksy has a great way of reinventing old art and changing it into something that our society may understand a little bit more these days...I highly suggest you check it out. -->

After watching the new 90210 that premiered tonight with its

Gossip Girl
With school starting again, I can hardly anticipate for all of my favorite TV shows to start up again, debuting their season premieres to us during the first few weeks of September. One show that premiered tonight was one of the CW's very successful hits Gossip Girl. I have to admit I wasn't a fan of the show last season, but after all of the hype about the series as well as their very controversial ad campaign this summer, I decided to give it a shot. The past few weeks I spent some of my time catching myself up on the last season by asking friends and family (my sister is a big fan of the show) as well as watchi
ng full episodes on the CW website. I have to admit I became instantly obsessed. Tonight at 7 o'clock was the big season premiere and you better believe it I was ready to go waiting on the couch 10 minutes before it aired to be sure I didn't miss a single second. The episode definitely got me excited for the rest of season 2...I cannot wait to see what happens in the crazy lives of the girls and boys for the big city as well as what they're all wearing for the fall; as their style never ceases to impress me.
Speaking of fashion, lucky for me I recently discovered that all of the clothes and accessories worn by the cast members in each show can be found on the CW's website under the section labeled "style." What a great idea...they make it as easy as browsing by brand, character, episode, or product. Just what I need, I wish every one of my favorite shows would do this!

Speaking of fashion, lucky for me I recently discovered that all of the clothes and accessories worn by the cast members in each show can be found on the CW's website under the section labeled "style." What a great idea...they make it as easy as browsing by brand, character, episode, or product. Just what I need, I wish every one of my favorite shows would do this!
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